Soft Soil

Who likes pulling weeds? NOT ME! Some seasons, I keep up with it and periodically pull a few at a time. Other seasons, it gets completely out of control and there is no use but to just rip it all out. The latter method is utterly exhausting and I'm left with sore muscles, mosquito bites and a sunburn. However, it is always worth it in the end. That would be me this spring as you can see in the picture. The analogy of the Gardner is used all throughout scripture and I see why! It's so relevant to our spiritual journeys.

But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, "God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6

Our small group is studying James this semester and one of my dear friends pointed out how the weeds can take over so quickly if not kept in check. It's been very rainy lately and I know that tackling the weed pulling will be so much easier on softer ground. But what about when you have to pull weeds from among the rock garden or during a summer drought? It takes quite a bit more strength and sweat. We even have to pull out more tools to get the job done. 


When pride has built up over time and been left unchecked, what are the 'weeds' left behind? James 4:1-17 speaks of quarrels, conflicts, lust, jealousy, envy, wrong motives, friendship with the world and hostility towards God, judgement, boasting and arrogance. Similar to pulling deep rooted weeds during a drought, these things begin to take root down in our hearts when left unchecked for too long. This is when we need the body of Christ to come alongside us for a major overhaul. Maybe bitterness continues to grow in your heart like it did mine last year and you've become someone you don't even recognize. The soil is completely covered in weeds. I knew it was time to seek help from a counselor, my small group and trusted sisters in Christ. I'm so grateful for a husband who constantly encourages me in the Lord and is not afraid to speak truth into my life. If that's where you are, dear friend, please don't try to do it all alone. 

When our hearts are soft and humble, the weeds will continue to fight for space in our gardens until Jesus returns, but the softer ground allows God room to cultivate beautiful blooms that won't be choked out by the shallow rooted weeds. There is such beauty in the healing freedom Jesus gave on the cross! As we daily seek His will for our lives, God may bring a soaking rain or even a thunderstorm to keep us abiding in Him. His presence is what we need most. It is the greatest gift. James goes on to say in verses 7 and 8 "Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God and He will come close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded."

What a beautiful promise from scripture that He gives a greater grace when we humble ourselves before Him. No matter if the weeds have completely taken over and you don't even recognize yourself or you have a few weeds to pull, I love that God is just right there waiting full of grace to come close as we draw near to Him. What an incredible comfort that we're not left alone to pull the weeds. He makes a way because He is the way. 

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6


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