
Soft Soil

Who likes pulling weeds? NOT ME! Some seasons, I keep up with it and periodically pull a few at a time. Other seasons, it gets completely out of control and there is no use but to just rip it all out. The latter method is utterly exhausting and I'm left with sore muscles, mosquito bites and a sunburn. However, it is always worth it in the end. That would be me this spring as you can see in the picture. The analogy of the Gardner is used all throughout scripture and I see why! It's so relevant to our spiritual journeys. But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, "God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6 Our small group is studying James this semester and one of my dear friends pointed out how the weeds can take over so quickly if not kept in check. It's been very rainy lately and I know that tackling the weed pulling will be so much easier on softer ground. But what about when you have to pull weeds from among the rock garden or d

Healing Presence by Jennie Bennett 12/27/22

This is something I wrote back in December. I’m still praising God today for the healing that has taken place over the past 8 months! It’s not been easy, but the freedom on the other side is something I never thought I could experience. I’m learning more everyday how to lean into Him and not mask my fears. December 2022 Now where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2Corinthians 3:17 I’ve experienced first hand in the past few weeks that because Jesus came down and dwelt (tabernacled) among us, His presence never leaves or forsakes us. God has brought more clarity as to what His presence dwelling inside of me really means. “What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.’ 2 Corinthians 6:16 He has given me clearer vision to experience His presence and be more keenly aware of it. As the sin of idols in

Spring Up by Jennie Bennett

 April 30, 2023   This weekend, I attended a women's retreat with my church. I followed the always dependable Google Maps to the beautiful retreat center only to find myself down a dirt road that led to nowhere. A severe spring storm was quickly approaching as a little panic set in. Eventually, I spotted my good friend on the roadside who had just arrived to direct us where to go. Whew! What a relief! Being lost and alone is a terrifying feeling until you find comfort in a familiar face that knows exactly where to go.   Throughout the weekend, we learned about spiritual disciplines such as prayer and sabbath rest and how to apply them in order to allow God room to grow us closer to Him. During an extended time of silence and solitude, I was given the opportunity to be alone with the Lord, read and meditate on His Word, talk to Him and just sit still and enjoy His presence. Through application of the above mentioned practices while reading Mark 10:46-52, I was able to find specific